Swapna Reddy - Youtube link

Swapna Reddy's colloquium talk, Participatory Decision-Making: How 600,000 Asylum Seekers Work Together to Make Change, is now available on YouTube.

The Asylum Seeker Advocacy Project (ASAP) is the largest membership organization of asylum seekers in history. Through ASAP’s participatory model, over 600,000 members have set collective priorities, pursued lawsuits, and led advocacy campaigns. Their efforts have resulted in significant victories, including securing work permits for hundreds of thousands of immigrants. ASAP believes the most impactful solutions are often designed by those most affected. In this talk, Swapna Reddy, co-founder and Co-Executive Director of ASAP, discusses the opportunities, challenges, and lessons learned from engaging a large member base to achieve meaningful change. Swapna shares concrete examples of how ASAP has implemented participatory decision-making and collective action on a large scale.

Watch the talk now on YouTube to learn more about ASAP's impactful work!


Interview with Dan Sutch


Colloquium Talk David Adelani